PUBG Mobile New updates 2021 | Pubg mobile
PUBG MOBILE s a multiplayer game that has been ruled by the all world wide gamer since three years and still it is loved by the all player gamers and the entertainer all worldwide this is not just a game to play but it is a battle royal
Recently on the19th of April pubg mobile test beta version has been updated and the lots of new features have been released in this the more and more great features have been released1.The micro mode
The new micro mode has been released in the game in this mode we can get teleport from one place to the another place for this purpose the special loboratary have been arranged in the game and a special antman like suit have been made available with the help of the laboratory we can get teleport easily from one place to another place
2.striker mode
In this mode the erangle and and the sanhok map has changed their names to the striker mode here we can see that on erangle map their is a pic of Godzilla and on the sanhok map there is Kong has been made
3.hanger mode
In the arena section the new mode hanger mode has been added to it in the mode to get to choose the one library and the other hanger mode both are given the mode is specifically the TDM like mode which will be available to use the next global update.
4.shoulder shoot
This is the amazing update which was recently added to top pubg PC but now in the 1.4 beta version it has been released to use and it will soon get available to use the global updates not only we can use the features but we can also changes the sensitivity of it also
5.antman suit and teleport laboratory
The ant man suit and the teleport laboratory has been added to the erangle map with the help of ant man suit and the teleport machine we can travel from one place to another
With the help of ant man suit we can get small and also fly and the size gets reduced
The new vehicle has been also available and will be getting seen in the livik and the sanhok map but the spawn rate is very low .
This were the updates released in the PUBG MOBILE beta version and this will be getting available to us very quickly .
If you love the new things in the next update of PUBG Mobile then share this to your friends also.
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